
In folklore and parapsychology, poltergeists (German for “noisy ghost”) are a type of ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed. It is quite the appropriate title, because out of all paranormal activity, poltergeists are the most forceful, physical, and frightening. Poltergeists are known to shake items, and make objects fly across the room usually accompanied by strange, loud noises. They are often dangerous, and can leave the subject in a traumatic state. In fact, poltergeists are such a well studied and prevalent phenomenon that mainstream science has actively taken a role in researching it.
The traditional concept of a ghost haunting usually involves the wandering soul of a deceased human who is spiritually stuck in the same place where they lived or died. It’s as if they have not come to the realization that their time has passed, and are unable to discern their reality. Most are under the impression that ghosts don’t even realize that the modern world is happening around them, however, poltergeists do, they tend to react disruptively with their environment. Their disturbances can start and stop spontaneously, and they have a very real impact on the people nearby. Unlike traditional hauntings, poltergeists need a human to the the catalyst, or agent, for their activities.
Poltergeists activity tends to occur around a single person called an agent, it could be anyone, but there seems to be more occurrences of poltergeist activity among young women, especially one who is troubled emotionally. Many of the reported agents are well-balanced individuals with stable minds who seem to have no control over the poltergeist, although it is widely recognized that some agents have deep-seated mental issues. It has been found that extreme states of consciousness such as anxiety, depression, hysteria, anger, schizophrenia are powerful catalysts for poltergeist activity. Highly stressed individuals are also found quite regularly to be poltergeist agents.
Instances of banging, loud noises, doors slamming, inexplicable lights, telephones ringing, objects flying across the room, and electrical equipment disruption are all symptoms of poltergeist disturbances. As time progresses, if the root cause is not resolved, the violent activity tends to become worse. Experts are serious when they state that poltergeists are quite hazardous to the physical and mental states of humans. It’s said that an agent cannot escape from the poltergeist because the person itself is responsible for the activity.
Poltergeists have been a strong focus of study within parapsychology for decades, and scientists have reached firm conclusions on the matter. Many speculate that these occurrences are caused by the agent unconsciously releasing psychokinetic energy, the power generated by the brain to move things, in attempt to alleviate stress. Almost seventy years of research by the Rhine Research Center has led to that hypothesis among parapsychologists.
Psychokinesis is the notion of ‘mind over matter’ energy, and people are understood to exert large amounts of it when under extreme pressure. The actual activity that occurs is a symbol of the issue itself. In example, some agents who feel intense hate stir the poltergeist to beat them up where they end up physically bruised all over. If an agent is incredibly frustrated with someone, then it will be their items that is launched across the room and destroyed by psychokinetic powers. In nearly all cases, the agent was just as scared as everyone else in the room, and is unaware of how to properly control these events.
It’s agreed by experts that poltergeist activity is very possibly to solve, and is strongly encouraged for those who experience it to seek out help. Whether the assistance comes from a religious figure, or a licensed medical doctor, it is quite obvious that poltergeist agents have unprecedented power running rampant that needs to be tamed. Once the problem is knowingly, or unknowingly addressed, or the agent becomes conscientious of the fact that they are the root of the disturbances, activity suddenly stops. As with many disturbing experiences, the horrors caused by poltergeists are not created by some occult creature, or specter, but by the unknown power of the human mind.